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In our past work with choirs we have been party to some choice hymn howlers.  Below find some hymn and other howlers taken from our own experiences  for your amusement.

"For all the Saints who from their NEIGHBOURS rest..................?!!!!"
For all those out of the know the word should have been "labours".

".......and fain would GROWL in holiness as children of the light"  

And other Hymn Howlers taken from our own personal experience, family and friends.........

"Jesus shall RESIGN!"  (we sincerely hope NOT!!) (quoted from Andrew's nephew, Chris as a small boy)
"Once in Roy and David's City"
(friend at school had young brother called "Roy" who thought this carol was all about him and his father, David..........for those not in the know it SHOULD read "Once in Royal David's City")

Howlers from our friend Lorna in South Australia and we quote from her directly.........."
"As a child I used to sing, in "Silent Night" about "Round John Virgin" and wonder who he was! Recently I also heard a child at the school assembly
singing our national anthem "Australians all are ostriches" instead of
"Australians all let us rejoice".

and..........  "The real lyrics were:  The King is among us......
But I misheard them as:  The King is a mongoose"

"The real lyrics were:   'Lead on o King eternal.'   But I misheard them as:
'Lead on o Kinky turtle and'.........." 

"The real lyrics were:  'From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay...'  But I misheard them as:  'From the earth to the cross, my dead toupee'"

"The real lyrics were:  'Christ the royal master leads against the foe'
But I misheard them as:  'Christ the royal master leans against the phone' (Note: I can remember thinking it was Christ the royal pastor!)"

and to finish our howler session with just one more from Lorna........."Lord of the Dance"
Misheard Lyrics:
'Dance, then, wherever you may be. I am the lord of my dad's settee.'
Correct Lyrics:
'Dance, then, wherever you may be. 'I am the lord of the dance,' said he.'

Many thanks to Lorna for such wonderful Hymn Howlers or, to be more correct......."Mondegreens"

We also thank Fr Ronald Weber, pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, USA for the following inclusion received 11 June 2001:
"In our LUTHERAN BOOK OF WORSHIP, the English text of the 3rd stanza of Wachet Auf includes this translation following the repeat of the "A" section (the beginning of the "B" section): "No eye has seen no ear..." I can't imagine what those who altered Catherine Winkworth's English translation were thinking!" 

Any other wonderful hymn and other worship howlers for inclusion......... all welcome here!



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Updated: 02 January 2009

Copyright © December 2008 Sarah and Andrew Price